It is long said that the way we do one thing, is the way we do everything.  Call it an easy metaspin on the nature of life itself, quite literally ~ I find this idiom to be true.  Why do we create? Why do we express? Why to we find the pleasure and completion and redemption and healing we find in the creation process?
Perhaps being the Creator for our own artistic worlds is no less a part of the micros and macros...

Such a gift in experience has a balance of responsibility as well as delight. 

The beauty we define for ourselves is similar to that of meaning.. For we discover and accept it's personal value for us, individually. And as such, the voyeur is not unlike the artist themselves in this sense.. Each of us striving to make sense of and interpret relevantly for ourselves, whether considered purely esoteric, entropic, or purely existential.

The goal here may be of an imperishable vision to express or convey, or a figment familiar to ourselves wanting to share it's experience with others, within their own rich interpretations. 

Perhaps one doesn't make art because one is an artist. so much as rather: One may just be an artist, because one possesses the inherent strong desire and infact need, to Create <3.

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